Monday, 30 October 2017

The Violence Continues: Killing the Future (Part 2)

No, unfortunately it isn't over. Believe me when I say I want to move on.

Today is Friday, 27 October 2017. At least one child has died as a result of abuse and neglect since my last post. A child dies as a result of abuse and neglect every three days. Like the five-year-old boy whose father was released from prison after beating him the first time. Let that sink in.

Meanwhile, 10 year old Chanelle McCrawl from Manenberg was raped by her uncle and his friend and dumped in a ditch where her grandmother found her a day later, neck broken.

Pretend your mind is quicksand.


I witnessed this over the weekend; a little boy about 2 or 3 years of age lagging a few meters from his mother holding his newborn sibling. She only turns around because she is already half way across the street. As if she expected him to be walking next to her she starts shouting: “Now I am gonna fucken moer you, he don’t listen…”

She walks back over the road still shouting.

“Must I hit you?”

Must I hit you?”

And as undisciplined, neglected children do, he starts screaming. A high pitched shrill after each threat.

“I’m gonna hit you!”


“Nogie eens pak gekry nie ma jy huil…”


You’re probably still wondering why I've referred to him as ‘undisciplined’ and ‘neglected’.  I don’t see anything wrong with spanking your children. I just don’t see that as discipline. I have never hit my daughter, but she is well aware of what acceptable behavior is and why.

Now imagine what that kid goes through at home if his mother treats him this way in the street. Another thing I have seen; these kids live on properties where there are up to four or more separate families living. Running around barely clothed or dressed in dirty, raggedy hand-me-downs.

At least wipe his nose!

The moment he does something he shouldn't have done – because he doesn't know any better – you want to beat him to a pulp because he 'don't listen.’ What was there to listen to in the first place when he was never told that a specific action is wrong? What was there to listen to when all he hears are the words ‘lollie’,’tjoef’,’jou ma se…’ (Most mothers say this to their own children) and the clinking of Black Label bottles every time you skarreled a kroon.

Stop making laities. Please. You know you are broke and struggling. Stop at number one. Or don’t start at all. Out of all the things that the government does not provide, you have access to FREE condoms (they are flavored now) and other methods of contraception for females.

You might not have (a) CHOICE anymore, but you have Max. And since you like free shit like SASSA you can definitely do with a Max. DO IT with Max. Same goes for Dumper Mommies.

This may be a typical case on the Flats. But not all murdered children come from poor homes. The biggest cause of death for children under the age of five is either as a result of abuse or being dumped. Wrapped and dumped like the baby who was sniffed out by dogs or the frozen body of an infant found in Strand earlier this month.

And this while mothers who give birth at 27 weeks or less have no rights and have to refer to their children as “Medical Waste” – yes, they get DUMPED too. However, “Would you like to keep your placenta?”

Anyway, ranting aside. Let’s conclude;

On the one hand parents have to work and earn a living for their kids and risk that they may come home to hear that the child is missing and inevitably murdered by the neighbor or boarder. And on the other hand we have parents abusing their children to the point that they eventually kill them or they go out with the trash.

In essence, we live in a country where we can neither keep our children safe inside or outside.

The so-called future is fading.

We as a people are failing.

Pretend your mind is a doekie and wrap it around that.

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